Gainesville Timeshare Premises Liability Lawyer

Gainesville Timeshare Premises Liability Lawyer
timeshare, premises, liability, property, munns, case, accident, gainesville, injury, financial

Getting injured in an accident is never easy. However, it becomes more challenging when it happens while you are out of town. If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to negligent conditions at a Gainesville, FL, timeshare vacation property, Bogin, Munns & Munns can help you seek financial awards to pay for your damages. 

Our Gainesville timeshare premises liability lawyers can identify the at-fault parties, prove you have a right to recover your losses, and fight for the maximum compensation possible. We do the work needed to build a robust case so you can rest and recuperate at home.

Our Gainesville Attorneys Can Manage Your Premises Liability Case

Timeshare owners and managers must keep their property safe for visitors and those legally on the premises (i.e., not trespassers). When they fail to do so, you could hold them financially responsible if you sustain an injury while visiting.

If you suffered harm in an accident at a Gainesville timeshare, Florida’s court system will likely have jurisdiction over your personal injury case, according to Florida Statutes § 48.193. Therefore, if you decide to work with a lawyer, you will need someone licensed to practice in the state—even if you hail from the other side of the country. 

Our timeshare premises liability lawyers can help you navigate Florida’s insurance and legal systems. In addition, we can hit the ground running with a local investigation. Our team can:

  • Visit the timeshare and take photographs of the property conditions and the hazard that caused your injuries.
  • Obtain copies of police or official incident reports detailing your accident.
  • Interview eyewitness.
  • Hire and consult case experts when necessary.
  • Identify and calculate your damages.
  • Draft and file insurance claims.
  • Handle case-related phone calls, text messages, emails, and meetings.
  • Aggressively negotiate on your behalf.
  • Prepare your case for civil court and represent you at trial if needed.
  • Make court appearances for you.
  • Keep you informed via regular and timely updates.

To consult with an experienced timeshare lawyer serving Gainesville, call 855-780-9986

We Will Pursue Your Timeshare Premises Liability Damages

You and your family should not have to pay for an accident that was not your fault. Our Gainesville timeshare premises liability lawyers will protect your financial stability by fighting for every cent owed for your losses. Compensation may include the following:

  • Current and future medical treatment: Emergency transportation and medical services, surgeries, hospital stays, mobility aids, prescription drugs, physical therapy, and extended nursing.
  • Lost income: Not only wages and benefits lost while recuperating but also diminished future earning capacity if your injury interferes long-term with your employment capabilities.
  • Personal property damages: Cellphone, laptop, or other personal items damaged during your timeshare accident.
  • Travel expenses: Did you have to change travel plans due to the incident?
  • Physical pain and suffering: Permanent and disabling injuries, severe pain, scarring, disfigurement, and loss of mobility.
  • Emotional and mental distress: Depression, anxiety, and loss of enjoyment.
  • Wrongful death of a loved one: Funeral and burial costs; loss of the deceased’s support, services, and income; and survivors’ mental and emotional pain and suffering.

Gainesville Timeshare Lawyer Near Me 855-780-9986

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Premises Liability in Florida? 

According to Florida Statutes § 95.11, you have two years to file a premises liability or wrongful death lawsuit. Although we could resolve your case with an insurance settlement, you do not want to delay filing suit. Allowing the statute of limitations to expire will significantly reduce your bargaining power and could lead to a denied or reduced claim. 

Click to contact our Gainesville Timeshare Premises Liability Lawyers today

Who Is Liable for Property Conditions at Your Timeshare? 

Knowing who to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against can be challenging after a timeshare accident. For instance, the property owner, the timeshare manager, or another business responsible for property maintenance could all share liability, depending on several factors such as:

  • The timeshare company’s agreement with its lessees
  • Whether you are the timeshare “owner” or a third-party renter
  • Whether the property is a “deeded” timeshare
  • The insurance policies that cover the property

Our lawyers can sort through the details of your case and identify the liable parties. Then, we will use the evidence and information obtained through our investigation to prove negligence and establish your right to financial compensation. 

We Handle a Variety of Timeshare Accidents

Gainesville and Alachua County are home to the University of Florida, eight state parks, and numerous attractions. As such, the area offers many timeshares, resorts, hotels, and rental properties to accommodate visitors. Our firm has served Central Florida for over 40 years, giving us invaluable experience with out-of-town victims, various premises liability issues, and injuries occurring on vacation properties. 

We can assist with timeshare premises liability cases involving the following:

With more than 40 lawyers on staff, whatever your legal needs, we can address them with confidence. We will match you with a compassionate and experienced lawyer familiar with your type of case and ready to tackle your unique situation. 

Don’t Let Financial Concerns Stop Your Fight for Compensation

Bogin, Munns & Munns makes working with us accessible and affordable by offering free initial consultations for personal injury cases and a contingency payment structure. This arrangement means we can represent you for nothing upfront; we will only collect a fee if we win your case. 

Submit a Consultation Request form today

Contact Bogin, Munns & Munns Today

Knowing what to do after a vacation accident can seem confusing. Fortunately, you do not have to fight for financial justice alone. Our Gainesville timeshare premises liability attorneys can pursue the compensation you need and deserve, leaving you free to focus on your health and family. 

Contact Bogin, Munns & Munns today for a risk-free, no-obligation consultation. A team member is available 24/7 to answer your questions and help you connect with an experienced and compassionate Florida attorney.

Call or text 855-780-9986 or submit our Consultation Request form today



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Request a consultation by filling out the form below, or call us at 855.780.9986. We have over a dozen offices located in Orlando and across Central Florida. We’re happy to answer any of your questions.