Written By: Attorney Travis McMillen
Immediately after a fall a client can find themselves dazed, confused and in pain. People are often not acting as their highest and best selves.
1: Scan your surroundings.
The very first thing to do is breathe. Scan your surroundings. Conduct a little mental inventory: What do things look like around you? Are you in a place where you could be injured again? Are you hurt?
You’ll want to make sure you’re not further endangering yourself. Don’t necessarily leap up and spring into action. Get your bearings.
2: Notify the owner
It is important to notify the owner of the property of the problem and your injury.
Many businesses will make a report, collecting people’s names, taking down the exact location of where the accident took place, and all other relevant information, which you’ll need later
* Be careful when signing any document presented by the owner. Many times the owners will write up incident reports that are factually inaccurate or not favorable to the injured person. Consult with an attorney before you sign anything.
3: Despite that owner making their own report, still trade contact information with the other person or people involved.
It is helpful if you obtain some personal details from any employees who appear at the scene. Consider asking for names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
If there were witnesses to the accident, take down their phone numbers, as well. Put this information in a safe place once you’re home. You never know if and when you might need it.
4: Snap some photos at the scene.
These days, most people have cellphones equipped with a camera. Once the owner has arrived they may begin cleaning up or removing the defect. Having this evidence is vital. So take a photograph of the defect or problem to evidence your claim.
5: If you’re hurt, see a doctor.
If you are injured you must seek treatment. If you are in pain go to a doctor immediately.
6: Hire a Lawyer
With an attorney on your side, you can be sure to focus on taking care of yourself while the attorney acts on your behalf. The attorney manages all communication with insurance companies, disputes, and medical claims. This protects you and makes sure all of your bases are covered.
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