How Do I Find a Great Lawyer?

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In today’s world of multi-level contracts, volumes of statutes, and the reality that most of our dealings with companies are shaped by legal considerations, we often need legal guidance. But how are we to find a lawyer we can trust and that will do great work when we are in need? In the old days many of us would turn to the yellow pages. We would choose based on who has the largest ad and then we would get on the phone. Or who has a billboard that we may drive past on occasion. In some ways similarly today, many go to the web to find an attorney. Who is the first to pop up on a Google search? Who has the best looking web site? Or, who has the biggest dollar amount on their billboard?

Are these good measures of great legal representation? Understandably in the past a front-page ad in the yellow pages was an expensive proposition.  One could argue that a firm or attorney that has those types of resources must be a great lawyer or firm.  Likewise today, it takes much time and resources to show at the top of a Google search.  In fact, law firms today hire entire divisions with the sole purpose of monitoring searches on Google.   Their job is to then modify and skew that firm’s website to lead the searcher to the desired firm.
In the end, all good advertising should tell us is that the firm or lawyer is a good advertiser.  “But wait,” you may say, “they have the money to do it so they must be great lawyers.”  Too often the opposite is true. There is a common model today found throughout the United States and especially in Central Florida of mega advertising law firms.  These types of law firms spend millions of their dollars on their yearly advertising campaigns.  Invariably they are somewhat successful and many people are lured to choose them thinking, “This must be a great firm because I see them all over the place and they have the money to do it.”  Herein comes the practical problem of scale.  The reality is most lawyers are paid in part on commission or a percentage of what the cases settles for.  As with most people, lawyers will try to maximize their income.  If he or she is inundated by new cases and they are compensated partially or wholly on a percentage of what the firm takes in, they will try to move cases quickly to settlement as to allow them to get paid and move to the next case.  This then incentivizes the lawyer to spend as little effort as possible with each case and to get the easy money then quickly settle.  Then move to the next case and do the same.  In some cases having your case in this type of factory law firm will not affect the end result.  In other cases it could more than halve your end take in settlement.

This type of firm can also be a problematic if you have to file a law suit.  Filing a law suit and participating in litigation may be the best way to maximize your prospects.  Problematically, it is time consuming and risky.  It is the worst way for a lawyer to quickly deal with your case and move to the next one. Because you are receiving advice from people that are incentivized to quickly move cases you may be unknowingly encouraged to settle your case prior to litigation.

So how do you find a great attorney and law firm?   Ask around; find out how others who have used them in the past felt about their experience.  Did they ever speak with the lawyer or was he or she too busy?  Speak directly with your prospective attorney before you sign up with the firm.  These indications can tell you a lot about the person who will be representing you and their ability to take the time to handle your case effectively.

Here at Bogin, Munns & Munns, We Can Help.

We have the financial ability to help you above our advertising campaign.  If you were injured I personally would be happy to meet with you.  I can walk you through the legal process and I will maximize your return regardless of the time it takes.  All while being available to you and following your wishes in how your case should proceed.

NOTICE: The article above is not intended to serve as legal advice, and you should not rely on it as such. It is offered only as general information. You should consult with a duly licensed attorney regarding your Florida legal matter, as every situation is unique. Please know that merely reading this article, subscribing to this blog, or otherwise contacting Bogin, Munns & Munns does not establish an attorney-client relationship with our firm. Should you seek legal representation from Bogin, Munns & Munns, any such representation must first be agreed to by the firm and confirmed in a written agreement.

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