A Legal ‘Three-Fer’ This Week (And A Fourth Fun Calendar Item)

Small blog image b032519 threefer 1583247835
busine, munns, safety, salary, march, legal, overtime, level, proposed, health

Under currently enforced law, employees with a salary below $455 per week ($23,660 annually) must be paid overtime if they work more than 40 hours per week. Workers making at least this salary level may be eligible for overtime based on their job duties. This salary level was set in 2004.

This proposal would boost the proposed standard salary level to $679 per week (equivalent to $35,308 per year). Above this salary level, eligibility for overtime varies based on job duties.

Of course, there are exceptions to the proposal. To learn more – or even to make comments on the proposed rule change – visit the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

And now to #2 –

Readers of this column will also detect a decided focus on the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration and its worker safety protection initiatives. This series has also focused over time on the positive role of proactive risk management on business return on investment. In a decided melding of the two, attention is directed to OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program. OSHA summarizes the “VPP” as follows3:

The VPP promote effective worksite-based safety and health. In the VPP, management, labor, and OSHA establish cooperative relationships at workplaces that have implemented a comprehensive safety and health management system. Approval into VPP is OSHA’s official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees.

To consult with an experienced business law lawyer today, call 855-780-9986

And #3 –

In line with this series’ proactive risk management focus has been significant attention to cybersecurity issues such as protecting hardware and software systems, avoiding scams and frauds, and matters relating to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and to the online block chain system. In that regard, reference is made to no-charge cybersecurity workshop training classes:

According to the Federal Communications Commission, theft of digital information has become the most commonly reported fraud, surpassing physical theft. To keep your business safe, register for the FREE cybersecurity workshop training classes offered by the U.S. Department of Defense.4

Please visit the link to register for these Cybersecurity Workshop Trainings. There is one being held on March 27, 2019 in Melbourne, Florida.5

This series has covered, among many other employment law topics, proposed changes to the federal Fair Labor Standards overtime criteria.

So here is the upcoming fun item to calendar. The U.S. Small Business Administration recognizes March 29, 2019 as “National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day”.6

This special day of recognition is explained as follows7:

On National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day (March 29), the SBA celebrates the value that family-owned small businesses bring to their communities. These businesses are the heart of neighborhoods across the country and the SBA has resources to help them start, grow and expand. Wherever you are in growing your small business, the SBA has your back.

Enjoy the day Florida mom and pop business owners! The SBA – and all of us, actually, appreciate you for all you do in our communities!

1 See /florida-businesses-two-osha-deadlines-approaching/, https://www.boginmunns.com/workplace-safety-health-matters-every-single-day/, https://www.boginmunns.com/florida-businesses-pay-careful-attention-workplace-safety-osha-2019-penalties-increased/
2 Source: https://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime2019/index.htm
3 Source: https://www.osha.gov/dcsp/vpp/
4 https://sites.usc.edu/cyberworkshops/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
5 Bogin, Munns & Munns, P.A. has an office in Melbourne. https://www.boginmunns.com/locations/melbourne/.
6 Source: U.S. Small Business Administration March 24, 2019 e-newsletter
7 Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-mom-and-pop-business-owners-day-march-29/

– For more information, call Philip N. Kabler of the Gainesville, FL office of Bogin, Munns & Munns at 352.332.7688, where he practices in the areas of business, banking, real estate, and equine law. He has taught business and real estate law courses at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and Warrington College of Business Administration. And is now the President-Elect of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association.

Do you have an employment legal matter concerning discrimination, wrongful termination or harassment? If so, please fill out our online Employment Law Questionnaire (for both employees and employers) to receive a brief telephone discussion with one of our experienced employment law attorneys. During this brief telephone discussion the attorney will go over your current situation and your legal options.

NOTICE: The article above is not intended to serve as legal advice, and you should not rely on it as such. It is offered only as general information. You should consult with a duly licensed attorney regarding your Florida legal matter, as every situation is unique. Please know that merely reading this article, subscribing to this blog, or otherwise contacting Bogin, Munns & Munns does not establish an attorney-client relationship with our firm. Should you seek legal representation from Bogin, Munns & Munns, any such representation must first be agreed to by the firm and confirmed in a written agreement.

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