Florida law gives you the opportunity to seek financial compensation after a negligent workplace accident. If another party is found liable for your injuries, they may be forced to compensate you for your lost wages, medical debts, psychological suffering, and more.
The way we see it, taking legal action should not have to consume your valuable time and energy. If you retain one of our workplace injury lawyers in Saint Cloud, they can work on building your case while you work on recovering from your injuries. After everything you have been through, you deserve some peace of mind.
We Will Hear Your Case for Free
At Bogin, Munns, and Munns, we offer free, no-obligation consultations to workplace injury victims. On top of that, we also work on a contingency-fee-basis, meaning:
- We do not charge anything upfront or out of pocket.
- We will deduct our payment from your total compensatory award. So, when we decide to work together, we will agree on a percentage our lawyers will charge to that amount.
- If we do not win, then we will walk away, and you will not owe us anything.
You have nothing to lose when you hire us, as we do our part to lessen the financial burden that stemmed from the workplace accident.
To consult with an experienced workplace injury lawyer serving St. Cloud
Let Your Saint Cloud Lawyer Take Over Your Workplace Injury Case
Our attorneys at Bogin, Munns & Munns have been standing up for workplace accident victims since 1979. During this time, we have spent countless hours studying the laws surrounding these cases. If you find yourself feeling frustrated with the legal process, a Saint Cloud workplace injury lawyer on our team can be there to help guide you.
Not to be ignored, we provide numerous other legal services that you may find beneficial during your fight for justice, including:
- Working on lawsuits and workers’ compensation claims
- Negotiating settlements
- Calculating the value of your damages
- Civil litigation
- Proving liability
- Gathering evidence
- Legal counsel
- Studying legal precedents and local laws
- Reviewing your insurance coverage
Recovering Compensation after a Workplace Accident
You may qualify for both economic and non-economic damages if you file a case against someone for a workplace accident. Alternatively, if you decide to file a workers’ compensation claim, you will only be eligible for economic damages. Workers’ compensation damages are meant to address financial woes like medical costs, loss of income, and diminished earning capacity.
For this reason, many victims choose to file a lawsuit when they have suffered a great deal of emotional trauma and other complex financial losses. You may qualify for many of these damages, including:
- Medical expenses
- Improving your daily function with permanent disabilities
- Making up for the impact of physical disfigurements
- Lost wages
- Damaged earning abilities
- Diminished quality of life
- Physical rehabilitation services
- Property damage
St. Cloud Workplace Injury Lawyer Near Me
Filing Your Case Before the State Deadline Expires
We have found that many cases are undone by simple and avoidable mistakes. Understanding the law is a large part of any successful injury case. Accordingly, you should keep in mind that workers’ compensation claims need to be filed within two years of your accident, as described under Florida Statutes §440.19.
If you can file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against a third party who caused your injuries, Florida Statutes §95.11 places a general two-year statute of limitations on most cases. There can be exceptions to this deadline, so make sure you consult your attorney to see if your case still applies.
This is not the same as a workers’ compensation claim, and not everyone is able to file this type of lawsuit. Our lawyers can help you determine what kind of claim you have.
Acting quickly is very important for your case because if you fail to file it in time, you will probably not be eligible to recover damages— leaving it to you to deal with them.
Who Can I Sue after a Workplace Accident in Saint Cloud?
You may be within your rights to sue property owners, security companies, sub-contractors, manufacturers, civilians, government organizations, and several other parties after your workplace accident.
In fact, the only party that is somewhat immune to lawsuits is your employer. Even so, you can sue your employer in the State of Florida if the circumstances were severe enough.
If you provide evidence that your employer put you in a situation where an injury was inevitable, they may be held liable for your damages. Additionally, you may be entitled to damages if your employer went out of their way to injure you on purpose.
Click to contact our St. Cloud Workplace Injury Lawyers today
Sharing Liability for Your Workplace Accident
According to Florida Statutes §768.81, different parties can share liability for a negligent accident and it does not automatically disqualify anyone from compensation.
Between all the contributing factors, the total amount of liability will add up to 100%. The individual who was responsible for 51% or more of the accident can be held accountable for paying out damages to the victim. Accordingly, you will forfeit your eligibility for compensation if you are responsible for the majority of your accident.
While you can still qualify for compensation if you are responsible for a smaller portion of your accident, your level of responsibility will have a direct effect on your financial settlement. Here is an example of how this proportionate liability works:
If the courts grant you a $1,000 settlement and you had 25% liability for your accident, your final settlement becomes $750.
Our Workplace Injury Lawyers Ready to Fight for Your Rights in Saint Cloud
To learn more about what a Bogin, Munns & Munns attorney can do for your workplace injury case, contact a representative today at (407) 556-3994. We will get started on your free consultation right away.
Call or Submit Our Consultation Request Form Today